
Premedical career

Science talent search examination scholar.

State ranker (Silver medalist) in Andhrapradesh intermediate public examination.

College 1 st rank in both academic years of 10 +2

Selected through competitive all India entrance examination at several leading medical institutes in India. Joined JIPMER with all India rank 6.

Medical career

Distinction in MBBS professional examinations. – Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Preventive and social medicine.

Winner of state level and south zone IAP quiz.Participated in IAP pediatric quiz at national level.

Selected for postgraduation in several institutes in India at JIPMER, PGI, AIIMS

Best paper of the scientific session in the ASI Chennai chapter meet in 2004.

Presented paper at Inetrnational Surgical week Montreal, Canada

Winner of IASG Quiz at IASG 2007 New Delhi

Awarded -Japanese Surgical society Travel scholarship 2008 May- Nagasaki for scientific paper presentation.

Visiting fellowship liver surgery at Kurume University June –August 2008.

Awarded International surgical society fellow travel grant to Adealide Australia September 2009 for

Scientific paper presentation.